Jefferson County has a strong vision for its future. The Community Investment Plan (pdf), adopted in 2008, captured this vision and serves as a guide for moving the county forward. Stakeholders meet monthly to keep the plan actively progressing, and results of the implementation of the plan include infrastructure improvements, new workforce training efforts, the Trails and Greenways Initiative (pdf), the founding of the Jefferson County Young Professionals, and even the establishment of the Jefferson County Port Authority.
The Regional Planning Commission has spearheaded the development of a County Land Use Plan, which was approved in the fall of 2013.
Communities in Jefferson County that have established vision and planning documents include the City of Steubenville and the Village of Wintersville. Steubenville approved the Steubenville Strategic Plan (pdf) in 2010 and in 2013 finalized a new Steubenville Comprehensive Plan (pdf) for the city. The Village of Wintersville approved its Comprehensive Plan (pdf) in 2007.