A collection of current Port projects and economic development news from around the area

Jefferson County, Ohio, is located in the epicenter of one of the nation’s richest histories of industrial and energy development. Global steel production and mineral extraction technologies have experienced many new dynamics in recent decades, and our county continues to adapt and diversify its economic profile for the 21st century. A county that was once narrowly defined by coal fields, railroads, and steel mills is now home to world-class institutions like the Franciscan University of Steubenville, a Berkshire-Hathaway-owned and growing titanium processing facility that now employs over 600, thriving healthcare, and local communities that are inspiring a new wave of entrepreneurship.
The Jefferson County Port Authority serves as the county’s comprehensive economic development agency, representing all local communities in site improvement and marketing strategies, corporate site selection, and local business expansion programs. The Port Authority staff and nine-member Board of Directors with strong private sector leadership experience are closely aligned with State-level leadership at JobsOhio. Providing appropriate and aggressive incentives and overall solutions to business growth and relocation opportunities is something in which we take great pride. Please contact us today to learn more about our county and engage us in your exciting plans!
A collection of current Port projects and economic development news from around the area
Our sponsors provide us with the financial backing and community support we need to operate. Without their assistance, the Port Authority would have a less effective role within Jefferson County. Click here to see our full list of sponsors.
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